riad selouane marrakesch terrasse fruehstueck im berber zelt

About us

We manage the riad from Germany and take care of the reser­va­tions, while our local team lovingly looks after the guests.

The owners

We were already impressed by Africa on our first visit together in 1992. The warm light, the many intense smells, the exotic sounds, the magnif­i­cent land­scapes, the history and, above all, the people — all this left us with a last­ing longing. 

We visited Marrakesh for the first time in 2016 and were imme­di­ately in love. The Red City impressed us in all areas. We came back a second and, of course, a third time. The expe­ri­ences and conver­sa­tions in Marrakesh ended with the search for our place in this wonder­ful city.

After many riad view­ings in all corners of the medina, the Riad Selouane won our hearts. This was followed by the lengthy process of deal­ing with the neces­sary author­i­ties, the notary and the tax office. 

In Febru­ary 2019, after a series of inten­sive visits, the time had finally come: together with our local team, we took over the Riad Selouane. Our passion became reality. 

Today, we try to make our guests’ stay even more beau­ti­ful with a love of detail. Our motto: It’s the sum of the details that makes for a time full of good memories. 

It’s our team, it’s the flair. We work a lot with crafts­men from the medina. Using their skills that have been passed down for gener­a­tions, their tradi­tional mate­ri­als. This is very inspir­ing every time. The conver­sa­tions with our guests encour­age us in this approach. Our guests feel it too. 

With this in mind — be our guest and be inspired by Marrakesh. We look forward to seeing you. 

Our team

Nouri and Hafida have been running the Riad Selouane for many years and make this place so special. They make our guests feel welcome at all times and look after their well-being with a lot of love. 

The Riad

Built at the begin­ning of the new millen­nium, the Riad Selouane is located in the heart of the thou­sand-year-old medina of Marrakesh. Since we took over the riad a few years ago, we have been care­fully reno­vat­ing one room after another to combine modern comfort with Moroc­can crafts­man­ship and offer our guests an oasis in the middle of the bustling city. 

Prizes and recognitions

2023 Kakak Travel Award Badge for Riad Selouane

We received the Kayak Travel Award in 2023: Best Riad! 

Only the top 3% of hotels in a coun­try receive the Kayak Travel Award, and we are very proud of this!

2023 Booking.com Award Riad Selouane

We have been able to main­tain our good rating on Book­ing .com for years. 

In 2023, we were rated 9.2 on average!

Further prizes:

2024: Customer Expe­ri­ence Awards by Busi­ness Concept: Best Tradi­tional Hotel 2024 — Marrakesh

2023: we were listed among the best in the cate­gory Roman­tic Accom­mo­da­tion in Marrakesh by Travel Myth

2023: Corpo­rate Life Wire Global Awards: Boutique Hotel of the Year — Morocco

2023: Winner of the Lux Life Resort & Retreat Award: Most charm­ing historic hotel 2023 — Morocco

2023: MEA Busi­ness Award: Most Luxu­ri­ous Guest­house of the Year — Morocco

2022: Travel Myth has listed us among the best in the cate­gory Small Accom­mo­da­tion in Marrakesh 

Press and travel blogs

The travel blog Travel Rebels from the Nether­lands lists us as one of the most beau­ti­ful riads in Marrakesh.

Our arti­cle about the Majorelle Garden is published on The Travel in a report about Marrakesh.

The travel blog of Trav­el­inghun­gry­fox mentions us on his round trip through Morocco.

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