The best and most popular restaurants in the medina of Marrakesh: In this blog post, we present the top addresses.

The best restaurants in the medina of Marrakesh

Where to go for dinner in Marrakesh? There is a large selec­tion of good restau­rants and dining on a rooftop terrace is an absolute high­light of a Marrakesh vacation.

In Marrakesh there is some­thing to eat on every corner and no visi­tor has to go hungry. However, there are huge differ­ences in the qual­ity, service and appear­ance of the restau­rants. You can get your fill at a street food stall for a few dirhams or enjoy a sump­tu­ous evening meal in fine restau­rants — it’s up to your taste. 

To make it easier for you to choose a restau­rant, we have listed our favorite restau­rants in the medina in this article.

Restaurants and other evening entertainment

Marrakesh is a real metrop­o­lis and offers restau­rants and evening enter­tain­ment for every taste and purse.

The new town is home to hip bars and street food stalls, chic restau­rants and dinner shows as well as mechoui grill stalls. There are clubs where you can dance the night away and street vendors sell­ing roasted chick­peas as a snack.

In the medina, the historic old town, you will find small snacks for locals along­side simple restau­rants with typi­cal local fare and upscale restau­rants with inter­na­tional standards.

Refer­ral links: The links marked with an aster­isk (*) are refer­ral links, also known as affil­i­ate links. This means that if you buy some­thing via such a link, we receive a small commis­sion. There is no addi­tional cost to you, but with your purchase you help us to continue creat­ing useful content for trav­el­ers. Enjoy our stories and “Shukran” for your support!

If you fancy an orien­tal spec­ta­cle, the vari­ous evening shows at Dar Essalam* or Chez Ali* are the perfect choice. There are modern dinner shows at Nouba* or Le Blokk. 

The Agafay stone desert a little outside of Marrakesh offers a desert feel­ing. Many camps offer beau­ti­ful dinner excur­sions* includ­ing camel rides and camp­fires with Moroc­can folklore. 

Not forget­ting the evening hustle and bustle on the Jemaa el Fna with its famous barbe­cue stalls, orien­tal street food and deli­cious pastries sold by the kilo. A street food tour* is defi­nitely recom­mended so as not to lose track in the hustle and bustle and to find the best spots.

These contrasts are what make Marrakesh so inter­est­ing and visi­tors can choose accord­ing to their own preferences.

Our restaurant recommendations in the medina

We are often asked for restau­rant recom­men­da­tions for a stay in Marrakesh and would like to present a selec­tion of our favorite addresses here.

Most of the restau­rants are located in the medina and are not far away from our Riad Selouane. We like to eat out in the medina in the evening, as every­thing is within walk­ing distance. There are also many excel­lent restau­rants in the new town, but that always means taking a taxi and getting out of the medi­na’s very own world. 

As always, the same applies here: Taste is subjective!

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We person­ally love the restau­rants in the old town listed here, but every visi­tor should decide for them­selves whether a restau­rant presented here suits them or what is impor­tant to them for a nice evening. These restau­rants belong more to the upscale, tourist cate­gory, but are still typi­cally Moroccan.

Gener­ally speak­ing, the prices in the restau­rants presented here are not much lower than in Europe.

If you are look­ing for inex­pen­sive or quick alter­na­tives, visit our blog arti­cle Street food and snacks in Marrakesh.

A very special expe­ri­ence is a visit to the Bacha Coffee House in the old royal palace Dar el Bacha, which is also open in the evening during Ramadan and serves small dishes.


Those who like to drift off will certainly find a nice spot for dinner, because there really is plenty to choose from. However, you can assume that in the popu­lar restau­rants, the coveted seats on the roof terraces are taken and you then have to sit inside. Depend­ing on the time of year, it is there­fore advis­able to make reser­va­tions at the restau­rants where you really want to eat.

In most cases, this can be done easily via the respec­tive websites and works very reli­ably. Your hotel will also be happy to help you orga­nize dinner reser­va­tions — but usually only once you are on site. 

We gener­ally recom­mend making a restau­rant reser­va­tion for at least the first evening of your stay in Marrakesh, as you will then be more relaxed. The months of Octo­ber, Novem­ber, around Christ­mas and March, April and May are the peak tourist season in Marrakesh and all restau­rants are busy. If you come in Janu­ary, however, you won’t have any prob­lems find­ing a spot, but it’s too cool for the roof terraces then anyway. 

In many riads you can also eat very well if you order in advance. Espe­cially on the first evening, espe­cially if you arrive in the after­noon or even in the evening, a meal in the hotel can be very pleas­ant. Many riads have excel­lent cuisine and you can enjoy having a whole roof terrace to yourself.

A word about wine

Many small restau­rants do not have a license to serve alco­hol. Espe­cially in inex­pen­sive restau­rants there is there­fore no wine with the meal. Most large restau­rants, on the other hand, have wine and drinks on the menu.

The Moroc­can wine is very good and goes well with the typi­cal Moroc­can food. Well-known winer­ies include Domaine Sahari and Volu­bilia, but there are also many small wine­grow­ers that are well worth discovering. 

Drinks are usually very expen­sive, as imported alco­hol is subject to high taxes.

Be careful with ice cubes and raw salads!

Concern­ing food safety in ice cubes and raw food: the larger tourist restau­rants have their own water filtra­tion systems, so eating salad or ice cubes is not a problem.

In smaller restau­rants, it is better to avoid uncooked food. The so-called salades maro­caines, Moroc­can starter salads, are usually cooked and there­fore harmless.

Terrace des Epices

One of the most beau­ti­ful roof terraces in the medina can be found very close to our Riad Selouane: the Terrace des Epices. Located in the middle of the souk, this restau­rant is easy to find and offers a unique atmos­phere and a beau­ti­ful view over the rooftops of the old town.

The styl­ish restau­rant, which has a lot of flair, espe­cially after sunset, impresses with its modern Moroc­can cuisine. The black walls glow in the evening in the light of the fire bowls and make the terrace very cozy in the dark. There is often live music and, of course, good drinks. The price level is rather high and the wine list offers a solid selec­tion of Moroc­can wines.

The salads are very tasty and offer a nice change from the usual tagine, which you will of course also find on the menu here. The cuisine offers regional ingre­di­ents with that certain some­thing. The young team is dynamic, friendly and cheer­ful, and visi­tors come from all over the world.

The restau­rant, which consists solely of the roof terrace with many seat­ing niches, is very popu­lar and reser­va­tions are highly recom­mended. This works easily via the multi­lin­gual website of the Terrasse des Epices.

The restau­rant also has its own patis­serie, which offers its deli­cious pastries in the court­yard below the restau­rant, as well as a store where you can buy the restau­ran­t’s beau­ti­ful crockery.

The best and most popular restaurants in the medina of Marrakesh: evening atmosphere on the terrace of Epices.


The Kabana is increas­ingly becom­ing an absolute place to be in Marrakesh! The lively mix of bar and restau­rant is very popu­lar at the moment and it is always full and bustling.

The atmos­phere is very cool, remi­nis­cent of a mixture of long­ing for the sea, palm trees and the beach. The terrace offers a wonder­ful view of the Koutoubia Mosque and the sunset over Marrakesh. Perfect for an aperitif!

The hippest restaurants in the medina of Marrakesh: the cheerful rooftop terrace of Kabana is highly recommended.
Beach atmos­phere at Kabana

The menu surprises with Mediter­ranean dishes and a great sushi offer. The drinks are great, the selec­tion large — all in all a perfect place to end the day. It’s also a great place to stop by for a drink after a nice dinner. At the week­end, there are often live events that are announced via social media channels.

As with most popu­lar restau­rants, reser­va­tions are recom­mended: Kabana Rooftop Food + Cock­tails.

The Kabana is located on one of the streets that circle the medina and is there­fore easy to reach by taxi.

Looking for a hotel in Marrakesh?

Top loca­tion in the medina, break­fast included, an oasis of peace in the middle of the souks:
The Riad Selouane is the ideal address for your city trip!

Riad Selouane Marrakesh: View into the courtyard and over the roofs to the Ben Youssef Mosque

Ba Bouche — Restaurant in the Palais Khum

The chic Hotel Palais Khum is located in the Quartier des Anti­quaires. Several old riads have been lovingly reno­vated and converted into a hotel. The hotel’s own restau­rant offers a few seats in the inner court­yard as well as several rooms for dining. 

We love the Ba Bouche in the warmer months for a relaxed lunch in the court­yard. Deli­cious sand­wiches and salads are on the menu. 

If it’s too cold to sit outside in the evening, the Ba Bouche offers cozy rooms, some of which even have an open fire­place. An open fire­place in the restau­rant is not often found in Marrakesh and is some­thing you quickly appre­ci­ate, espe­cially in winter.

The staff are very friendly, the food is excel­lent and the wine list is corre­spond­ingly large.

As this restau­rant is not so well known, the chances are good that you will get a seat with­out a reser­va­tion. If you want to be on the safe side, you can reserve a table in the Restau­rant Ba Bouche via their website.

La Table du Palais

This roman­tic restau­rant, one of our absolute favorites, is located on one of the main streets in the medina and is easy to find from both Dar el Bacha and Jemaa el Fna. Right next door is the famous Maison du Caftan and a clearly visi­ble sign hangs above the entrance, which is often lit up with fire bowls in the evening.

You can dine in style in the lushly planted garden in the court­yard of Palais Lamrani. Surrounded by green­ery and under the gallery supported by mighty pillars, the tables are discreetly and roman­ti­cally lit with candles. 

The kitchen offers fine modern Moroc­can cuisine with Asian touches. In summer, for exam­ple, let us surprise you with a cold melon soup, followed by monk­fish with Moroc­can spices and ginger.

The most beautiful restaurants in the medina of Marrakesh: dining in the garden of the Table du Palais.
Dine in style in the garden of Palais Lamrani

The price is upmar­ket, the qual­ity is really excel­lent and the wine list even includes organic Moroc­can wines. Reser­va­tions are recom­mended and can be made easily by email: La Table du Palais.

Le Foundouk

The elegant atmos­phere in an old cara­vanserai provides the setting for a typi­cal Moroc­can evening. In summer, the terrace offers a view over the roofs of the medina. The luxu­ri­ously furnished rooms also make Le Foundouk an excel­lent choice in the cooler months.

The menu features Moroc­can clas­sics and the food is very tasty. In the evening, a tradi­tional group often plays music from the cultural history of the Berbers, mixed with well-known songs. The service is great, the wine list extensive. 

Reser­va­tions are advis­able, as Le Foundouk is a little out of the way near the Maison de la Photogra­phie and there are few alter­na­tives in the surround­ing area. It’s a 20-minute walk from Jemaa el Fna, but this restau­rant is worth it. If you want to get to know tradi­tional Moroc­can cuisine and typi­cal Moroc­can music, the Le Foundouk is a good choice.


The restau­rant L’Mida is located in the middle of the souk near the Place des épices and is very popu­lar. The multi-level roof terrace offers a fantas­tic view over the rooftops of the medina. The style is casual and modern, but Moroccan-inspired. 

The cuisine is also modern Moroc­can with Euro­pean influ­ences. There are light dishes, salads and deli­cious mock­tails, as L’Mida does not serve alco­hol. The prices are moder­ate and the menu includes many dishes such as burg­ers and pasta, which are also suit­able for chil­dren. We there­fore recom­mend this lively restau­rant for fami­lies with children.

The good qual­ity and the prices ensure that it is always so full that you can’t get a seat in the Restau­rant L’Mida with­out a reservation.

Le Nomad

From the vari­ous levels of the roof terraces you have a good view of the Place des épices in the heart of the medina. The decor in the Nomad is very styl­ish, modern, yet Moroc­can. The terrace has a great flair in the evening and the inte­ri­ors are also very appeal­ing. The owner of the Nomad also runs several restau­rants, all with a cool atmos­phere and deli­cious cuisine.

The best and most popular restaurants in the medina of Marrakesh: View of the Place des Epices from Le Nomad restaurant.
View from the roof terrace of Le Nomad

The menu offers local dishes with fresh ingre­di­ents and modern touches. We like the cala­mari with paprika sauce or the fresh salads, for exam­ple. There are only non-alco­holic drinks, the fresh juices are highly recommended!

The Nomad is one of the best-known restau­rants in the souks and is there­fore always full. You should even make a reser­va­tion for lunch. If you want to sit on the roof terrace, you must say so when you make your reservation.


Shtatto Restaurant in Marrakesh - the highest roof terrace in the medina with a view of the old town.

The Shtatto is also located just behind the Place des épices. The high­est roof terrace in the entire medina, accord­ing to its own information.

You believa that instantly as soon as you tackle the stairs that lead up to this small restau­rant. It’s unfor­tu­nate when there is no free space!

If you manage to get a table, you’re in luck, because the Shtatto is always full. Great views, good food, reason­able prices — no wonder this terrace is so popu­lar. Here you can enjoy fresh salads, deli­cious juices and cool music.

If you want to be on the safe side and make sure you get a place, book in advance. The terrace is small, there are no seats inside and you sit on low benches or small stools. So rather noth­ing for a roman­tic dinner, espe­cially as no wine is served. We love the Shtatto for lunch, espe­cially in winter when we want to soak up the sun. In summer, not all the seats have shade, so we tend to come here in the evening, because the view over the medina at night is magnificent.

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Kui Zin

Kui Zin’s roof terrace is very large and the restau­rant is corre­spond­ingly popu­lar. Even with­out a reser­va­tion, you have a chance of find­ing a free seat here. In the evenings there is often tradi­tional music and the atmos­phere is cheer­fully Moroc­can. Indoor seat­ing is avail­able for the cooler months. 

The menu features Moroc­can clas­sics of good qual­ity, wine is not served, but there are deli­cious fruit juices.

A reser­va­tion of the Kui Zin is easily possi­ble online.


The Wauw restau­rant is fairly new and offers Asian cuisine with a Moroc­can influ­ence. The roof terrace is modern but comfort­ably furnished and the sushi is excellent. 

Restaurant Wauw in Marrakesh.

In addi­tion to tradi­tional and creative sushi, there are poke bowls, Asian salads and soups and wok dishes.

I love it when restau­rants have good mock­tails on the menu, and Wauw scores well here too. 

The dessert menu lists Asian clas­sics and much-loved ever­greens such as crème brulée.

We also like to go to the Wauw at lunchtime, as the whole terrace is covered and there­fore protected from the sun. The seat­ing on the second floor is air-condi­tioned in summer and heated in winter. There is a great boutique on the first floor that has some­thing differ­ent to the usual kaftans. 

You can reserve a table for the Wauw online and even spec­ify whether you would like to sit on the terrace or inside.


If you spend a few days in Marrakesh, you might not feel like tagine anymore. The Limoni offers Ital­ian cuisine in an old riad. The inner court­yard with its lemon trees and adjoin­ing rooms offers a relaxed atmos­phere. The palace with its Moroc­can tiles and Ital­ian flair combine to create an endear­ing atmosphere. 

The food is very tasty and offers pasta and pizza as well as good salads. Moroc­can dishes are also on the menu. Unfor­tu­nately, the Limoni does not serve wine at the moment. 

The Limoni is a little out of the way in the north­ern part of the souks, so we recom­mend making a reser­va­tion in the evening.

Grand Café de la Poste

Although not located in the medina, the Grand Café de la Poste is defi­nitely worth a visit. Close to the Carré Eden, the large shop­ping center in Gueliz, this restau­rant is a must when visit­ing the new town.

The best and most popular restaurants in Marrakesh: the grandiose Café de la Poste.

For lunch, you sit relaxed on the terrace and are amazed that the hustle and bustle of the new town remains outside. We partic­u­larly recom­mend the tartare de boeuf and the oysters from Oualidia!

The Grand Café de la Poste offers French cuisine with a Moroc­can twist and a bar with cock­tails and evening music. Here you can also just stop for a coffee after some shop­ping and indulge in the French way of life.

If you want a seat on the terrace, you should defi­nitely make a reser­va­tion at peak times: Grand Café de la Poste.

Le Trou au Mur

This modern restau­rant is part of the luxu­ri­ous Riad Farnatchi and is located near the Maison de la Photogra­phie in the oldest part of the medina. The restau­rant Le Foundouk is also located nearby.

At lunchtime you can dine on the terrace, while in the evening you can dine indoors in a very success­ful blend of old Moroc­can crafts­man­ship and modern furni­ture. In winter, an open fire­place ensures a cozy atmosphere.

The Trou au Mur serves Moroc­can clas­sics and is partic­u­larly famous for its mechoui lamb. The menu also includes inter­na­tional dishes. Wine and cock­tails are also served.

The Trou au Mur should be reserved, because if there is no more space avail­able, there are few alter­na­tives nearby.

Le Jardin

Le Jardin, with its strik­ing green-tiled court­yard, offers market-fresh Moroc­can cuisine. The menu includes light dishes such as quinoa salad or mari­nated sardines from Essaouira. 

In addi­tion to the green inner court­yard, there are inte­rior rooms and a roof terrace, also tiled in green, which is cozily illu­mi­nated in the evening. Located in the middle of the souk, Le Jardin is a green oasis that we like to visit while strolling through the souk to escape the hustle and bustle and dust. 

The Le Jardin which belongs to the same owner as Le Nomad, does not serve alco­hol, but does serve deli­cious mocktails.

Fancy some street food in Marrakesh?

Our part­ner GetYourGuide* offers guided food tours, cook­ing courses and city tours with friendly local guides who will show you the hidden corners of the medina.

street foodtour in marrakesch

Café Arabe

Café Arabe offers Ital­ian and Moroc­can cuisine as well as a well-stocked bar. In summer we recom­mend the roof terrace or the inner court­yard, in winter you can sit in the warmth of the Moroc­can salons.

Having a drink on the roof terrace at sunset in a sophis­ti­cated atmos­phere with lounge music is the main reason why we go to Café Arabe. You can also enjoy a casual meal here in inter­na­tional company, but there are far better alter­na­tives in the medina in terms of food quality. 

Located in the medina directly oppo­site the Jardin Secret, the Café Arabe is easy to find as it is located on one of the main streets of the souk. Reser­va­tions are always recom­mended, but as the restau­rant is very large, you also have a good chance of making a spon­ta­neous reservation.

El Fenn

El Fenn is located on one of the outer streets and can there­fore also be reached by taxi. The restau­rant and bar belong to the hotel of the same name, which is an insti­tu­tion in Marrakesh. It is mainly Amer­i­can and English celebri­ties who descend here. 

Just a few minutes’ walk from Jemaa El Fna, you enter the restau­rant through a store sell­ing trendy Moroc­can hand­i­crafts. The restau­rant is located on the roof terrace and can be reached via a large spiral staircase.

From the terrace you have a wonder­ful view of the Koutoubia Mosque. The restau­rant is color­ful with green tiles and red uphol­stered furni­ture and looks great. Inter­na­tional cuisine with a Moroc­can touch is served at upmar­ket prices.

The large lounge area with cozy sofas is one of the most beau­ti­ful rooftop bars in the city. There are cock­tails, tapas, music and lots of party-loving guests.

El Fenn Restaurant in Marrakesh.

With­out a reser­va­tion, it is almost impos­si­ble to get a seat — even if the restau­rant is empty. Reser­va­tions can be made in advance by email: Restau­rant El Fenn.


This trendy restau­rant is located in the very south of the medina, on the spacious Place des Ferblantiers. More of a mixture of bar, café and restau­rant, Kosy­bar offers rooftop terraces on several levels as well as cozy inte­ri­ors and a hip ambience. 

The menu includes tradi­tional Moroc­can dishes as well as sushi, Asian dishes and even pizza. Wine and cock­tails are also served. Whether you want to dine out or just stop for a pizza, every­thing here is delicious. 

The Kosy­bar is also ideal for an after-dinner drink with occa­sional live music.

Riad 72 — La table du Riad

This restau­rant in the court­yard of a riad is one of our favorite addresses for a cozy dinner in the cooler months. The riad is tucked away in an alley near Dar el Bacha and offers only a few tables in the trop­i­cally planted garden. In winter, the inner court­yard is covered, which ensures pleas­ant temperatures. 

The flair of riad, plants and light is orien­tal and roman­tic at the same time. In addi­tion to Moroc­can special­ties, the menu also offers inter­na­tional deli­ca­cies. The food is very fine and the service very cour­te­ous. A well-balanced wine list rounds off the meal. 

For a styl­ish dinner, the Riad 72 is highly recom­mended, but a reser­va­tion is also advis­able here.

Riad Selouane

For our house guests we offer dinner on advance book­ing on our roof terrace. 

Dinner on reservation at the Riad Selouane in Marrakesh.

In a private atmos­phere, orig­i­nal Moroc­can dishes are served in the Berber tent on the roof terrace at sunset. In the cooler months, food is served in the lounge on the first floor. 

Our chef Hafida cooks with passion and a lot of knowl­edge of the tradi­tional dishes of the coun­try. Her feel­ing for spices blends the Orient with the diver­sity of Morocco. A plea­sure every time!

olive twig light brown

Eating in Marrakesh is always a feast for the senses!

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Koutoubia Mosque in Marrakesh
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